Die snymasjiene wat spesialiseer in platbed is nuttig wanneer jy probeer om vorms die beste uit 'n verskeidenheid materiale te sny. Trouens, hulle word wyd gebruik in detail plek soos verpakking, druk motor maak Hierdie masjiene is nuttig omdat hulle presiese sny van 'n verskeidenheid van vorms van verskillende tipes materiaal toelaat. Dit het geen ander werklike funksie nie, maar dit is goed ontwerp vir die een werk wat dit bedoel is om te doen: skep vorms so doeltreffend en akkuraat as moontlik
Outomatiese platbed-stansmasjiene is besig om 'n rewolusie teweeg te bring in die manier waarop die snywerk in 'n verskeidenheid nywerhede gedoen word. Die snywerk is in die ou dae met die hand gedoen. Dit was 'n tydsame proses en die moeite van werkers moes swaar wees. Eeu egter Tweede handse snymasjien is onlangs uitgevind en sny die materiaal nou in baie vinniger tyd met 'n minimum aantal presisiefoute. Hierdie oplossing maak 'n tydrowende proses wat dae of selfs ure in net 'n paar sekondes duur.
Daar is 'n wonderlike ding met hierdie masjiene dat hulle verskeie materiale saam kan sny. Hierdie vermoë om meer produkte in minder tyd te produseer, is baie krities vir maatskappye wat onder vinnig bewegende, mededingende omgewings werk. Boonop is die verlagings wat deur hierdie toestelle gedoen word, meer akkuraat en ook gelyk, sodat daar baie minder verkwisting is. Dit beteken ook dat die finale goedere beter en meer professioneel voorkom, wat fantasties is vir besighede
Die gebruik van outomatiese platbed-stansmasjiene het die tempo waarteen produkte gelewer word verhoog, asook gepaardgaande koste verlaag. As gevolg hiervan kan masjiene gebruik word om materiaal teen baie vinniger te sny en te verwerk, in vergelyking met die dryfkrag van die hand. Vir maatskappye spaar dit tyd en geld. Boonop kan die masjiene 'n aantal dinge gelyktydig doen - dit laat alles meer buigsaam en doeltreffend werk.
Hierdie masjiene kan ook gebruik word om 'n rekord-agtige funksies uit te voer deur dit te programmeer. Dit dui daarop dat hulle gemonteer kan word om verskeie vorms te verminder, wat die verandering van die vervaardiging van een produk na 'n ander vergemaklik. EEU Snymasjien word in verskeie sektore gebruik en wanneer 'n maatskappy van die sny van een vorm na 'n ander wil verander, kan die masjien sonder veel probleme vinnig daarvoor aangepas word. Wat hierdie masjiene doen, is om besighede in staat te stel om groter hoeveelhede items te produseer wat beter gehalte het in 'n korter tydperk.
Platbed-stanssnymasjiene maak presiese snitte. Om 'n patroon te sny is die moeilikste taak vir mans, mense in ou dae| het dit baie moeilik gevind, want voorheen kon niemand wat perfek lyk uit materiële getalle en wie met die hand bestuur het, uitsny nie). Maar die sny daarvan is baie eenvoudiger en presies met hierdie masjiene. Hierdie masjiene is geprogrammeer met sagteware wat nie net die meul lei in sny nie, maar ook jou moet lei. Gevolglik word hierdie programmering so gemaak dat die masjiene slegs spesifieke vorm kan sny wat help om kanse op foute en foute te verminder.
Boonop is hierdie masjiene betroubaar. Hulle is duursaam en as dit behoorlik onderhou word, sal hulle vir baie jare hou. Dit beteken dat maatskappye op hierdie CENTURY-masjiene kan staatmaak produkte vir daaglikse materiaalverwerking sonder die konstante bekommernis dat hulle elke ander snysessie sal afbreek of diens benodig. Hulle is die perfekte oplossing vir besigheidsoplossings en benodig stabiliteit in werkverrigting.
The company focuses on after-sales support and has set up an Flatbed die cutting machine automatic that can meet customers' needs in a timely manner, and provide customers with professional and efficient technical support and maintenance services, and solve customers' worries. It is the only "Flatbed Die-cutting Machine RD Center" in China named by the China Packaging Federation and the "Shandong Flatbed Technology RD Center" recognized by the Shandong Packaging and Printing Association with the capability to conduct RD with a high level of. We can provide our customers advanced products and solutions by continuously investing in RD and implementing technological innovations, and upgrading product.
Shandong Century Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. It is an ISO9001 quality management system certified and CE certified enterprise. It is a state-of-the-art provincial company as well as an specialized national "Flatbed die cutting machine automatic" company. It has a high degree of recognition and reputation in the market. It is home to more than fifty skilled scientists, as well as a strong RD department and production team. This guarantees the highest quality and performance. The products offered by the company are sold well in 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China as well as exported to over 60 countries, including the United Kingdom. It has a wide customer base and market base and its products have been accepted by both domestic and international customers.
The flatbed die-cutting machine from CENTURY is able to die-cut not just Flatbed die cutting machine automatic however, it can also cut cardboard and other materials. It has a wide range of applications and can meet the needs of different customers. The equipment is built with the latest technology and high-quality components, such as high-strength teeth and precise paper gripping mechanisms which ensures the die-cutting accuracy of paper. The pressure used to cut paper is uniform, with less plate re-printing and is precise and durable. Some models can attain 7500 sheets per hour, and have excellent efficiency. It can be matched with pre-press equipment to improve the overall efficiency of production. The new front-edge paper feeding fully automatic intelligent die-cutting machine has achieved intelligent and automated technological advances in production efficiency, the quality of cardboard, and safety guarantees significantly improving the efficiency of production for order change.
Flatbed die cutting machine automatic been continually improving and innovating our products and have released a range of unique products. The cassette-type paper feed machine, for example, uses vector "zero point" motion to feed the paper using zero friction and with no displacement. This helps solve scratching problems on the surface of the print. The range of products include 930, 1050, 1160, 1300, 1450, and 1620. to semi-automatic equipment, and 1050, 1080 1450, 1650 and so on. for fully automatic products that can meet the scale of production and processing demands of different clients. CENTURY Machinery flatbed die-cutting machines are cheaper than imported products. However, the product quality and performance also meets the needs of customers, with a high cost performance.