El corte puede ser un paso clave en muchos de sus proyectos: desde cortar papel, cartón e incluso cajas hasta formas para diseños de mayor escala. Una troqueladora de platina es una herramienta útil para este propósito. Es un acto de ahorrar tiempo como CENTURY Die Máquina de corte Corta más rápido que si lo hicieras manualmente, lo que, a su vez, te deja tiempo libre para concentrarte en otras cosas que quizás quieras hacer con tu proyecto.
Una prensa de platina es la máquina perfecta para usted si su propósito es troquelar formas de manera rápida y precisa. La CENTURY Máquina troqueladora de segunda mano. Presiona una variedad de materiales y hace un trabajo increíble al cortar formas. Al usar una troqueladora de platina, puede producir varias piezas en menos tiempo en comparación con el corte manual. ¡Piense en todo el tiempo que ahorrará al no tener que cortar cosas!
Tijeras y formas, buenos tiempos. Lleva mucho tiempo y es difícil medir todas las piezas correctamente. Si las formas que quieres no salen como quieres, entonces te frustrarás... ¡Puedes usar una troqueladora de platina para eso! CENTURY Máquina troqueladora semiautomática es una máquina que ha sido diseñada para cortar material por ti y lo hará de manera eficiente y con una precisión increíble. Esto implica que puedes crear una gran variedad de formas juntas. Es mucho más consistente y más rápido que las tijeras, ADEMÁS, corta formas mucho más bonitas de las que podría hacer con unas tijeras comunes y corrientes.
La troqueladora Platen es muy versátil y puede cortar muchos materiales diferentes (papel, cartón, vinilo e incluso algunas telas, etc.). Esto permite realizar elecciones realmente divertidas en sus proyectos. Puede diseñar tarjetas increíbles, invitaciones fabulosas o cortar camisetas y sombreros creativos. Use esta herramienta para producir incluso más formas para su proyecto. Es como si fuera hermoso. Máquina troqueladora automática ¡Diseña realmente lo que imaginas!
Con una troqueladora de platina, podrá obtener cortes exactamente iguales y precisos en todo momento. Las cuchillas afiladas cortarán cualquier material. Línea de embalaje inteligente de CPU Te gustará y nunca tendrás problemas con materiales más gruesos. ¡La presión de impresión permite que cada tarjeta se corte con el tamaño y la forma perfectos! Esto te permite tener todos tus artículos nítidos y pulidos, lo que siempre es una hermosa vista en el producto final.
Our products have experienced Platen die cutter innovation and improvement. We also have launched a variety of distinctive products. For example, the cassette paper feeding machine makes use of vector "zero" point motion to feed paper, which has zero friction and zero displacement, which fundamentally solves scratch marks on the surface of printing; the left and right push gauge system of the bridge piece fulfills the requirements of various printing registrations, and assures precise placement of the paper. There are a range of products models, such as 930 10, 1050, 1600, 1300 1450, 1620 etc. for semi-automatic products, and 1050, 1080 1450, 1650 etc. Fully automatic products can be customized to meet the needs of the customers. CENTURY Machinery flatbed die-cutting machines are cheaper than imported products. In addition its quality and performance is able to meet the demands of customers by offering a superior cost performance.
Platen die cutter company is dedicated to providing excellent after-sales services. It has a comprehensive system to provide expert technical assistance, maintenance, and customer service and also resolve all issues. The company is a leader in RD capacity and is China's only "Flatbed Technology RD Centre" that has been recognized by the Shandong Packaging and Printing Association. Continuously investing in RD funds, carrying out technological innovations and product enhancements and upgrades, we are able to supply clients with high-end technological solutions and products.
Platen die cutter was founded in 2008. It is a ISO9001 quality management system that is certified and CE certified business. It is a high-tech regional enterprise and an expert nationwide "little giant" company. It has a high degree of recognition and reputation in the business. It has more than fifty professionals in the field and an impressive RD team and production team. This assures high-quality and efficiency. The company's products are sold efficiently in 29 provinces and cities and autonomous regions across China, and exported to more than 60 countries including the United Kingdom, Turkey, Japan, etc. It has a wide customer base as well as market share, and its products have been accepted by both domestic and international customers.
The flatbed die cutting machine of CENTURY is able to cut corrugated papers, but also other materials. It has a wide range of applications that can meet the requirements of a variety of customers. To ensure precision in die cutting, the equipment uses high-quality materials and the latest technology, which includes high-strength tooth and precise paper gripping mechanism. Die-cutting pressures are consistent and precise as well as there is less plate reprinting. Certain models are capable of reaching an maximum speed of 7,500 sheets per hour. It has high efficiency of operation, and is able to be combined by pre-press equipment for improved the overall efficiency of production. The Platen die cutter front-edge paper feeding fully automated, intelligent die cutting machine has achieved intelligent and automated technological breakthroughs in the production process, as well as cardboard quality and safety assurance which greatly improves the efficiency of orders change.