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Troqueladora de caixas de cartón

The reason for this is the laser cutting technology used in these machines, which has been adapted to work with cardboard. We produce carton in different shapes and sizes as per required for box-making. A die is the pattern or mold that helps shape the way a piece of cardboard can be cut. The CENTURY Troqueladora automática  makes sure that the cardboard is aligned with the die and pressed down to perfect cut out the shape. In the time that has passed, cutting machines for carton box evolved immensely. Machines today come with intelligent software which makes creating (and cutting) difficult or intricate designs super simple. Adding a new technology, this fast and swift box cutting has been extremely beneficial to large scale business enterprises who require numerous boxes.

Efficient Box Cutting with Advanced Technology

The laser cutter is one of my favorite cutting machines. With a high-powered laser beam the cut-time is minimal for cardboard on most professional models of laser cutter. When an image is detected and the machine replicates that design, it does so to perfectly cut a box in the correct measurements. Using this technology, companies are able to make the box for their products that fits perfectly.. when it matters most while shipping. The advent of carton box cutting machines has revolutionised the way boxes are produced. Previously, cutting of boxes was a manual process which would require lot time and effort. This required individual pieces to be hand measured and then cut, a slow as well tiring process. These machines can offer the ability to make boxes not just quicker, but much more effortlessly.

Why choose CENTURY Carton box die cutting machine?

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