Je ustvarjanje nečesa res neumnega najljubša zabava? No, če je vaš odgovor pritrdilen (in stavimo, da je), se ta izsekovalni stroj CENTURY z vtiskovanjem popolnoma prilega. Za zelo preprosto analogijo je to kot vaš lasten majhen tiskalnik za rezanje in oblikovanje papirja/tkanine, če bi beseda "tiskalnik" pomenila rezanje vseh vrst stvari. Kar je odlično za sprostitev te notranje, nore osebnosti, da ustvarite tudi nekaj lepih stvari! No, v tej objavi vam bomo povedali več o kul orodju za ustvarjanje, s katerim bo vaš umetniški del popestren
Kaj sploh je ta stroj? A vodotesna plošča za zunanjo uporabo je v bistvu rokodelsko orodje, ki vam omogoča izrezovanje oblik ali izdelavo vzorcev v kateri koli vrsti materiala. To so kovinske vrste in oblike, ki sestavljajo to matrico. Te matrice so v bistvu šablone, vtisnjene v lasten modni kovinski list, ki ima te izreze za vse zabavne stvari, ki sem jih omenil prej. Ta izsek za prešivanje reže tako, da blago zapre med plasti rezil, ki se lahko kotalijo skozi vaš Go! stroj za rezanje. Predstavljajte si to kot majhno tovarno, v katero postavljate svoje obrti
To je res eden najpopolnejših CENTURY strojev za izrezovanje reliefov. To pomeni, da ga je mogoče enostavno uporabiti v številnih projektih. Kot primer lahko uporabite vzorce preprostih oblik (če se ne ponavljajo preveč) ali naredite zvezde in srčke, kot je ta: ALI naredite res "globoke" globine. Stroj je združljiv z vsemi materiali od papirja ali lepenke (kot lahko počnemo tudi v osnovnih strojih) do filca, volne ali katere koli tkanine... do plute. Ali izdelujete voščilnice za prijatelje, strani iz beležk za ustvarjanje trajnih spominov ali okraske za osvetlitev prostora ... ta stroj zmore vse
Morda zdaj razmišljate, zakaj je to super za otroke, ki ljubijo obrt? Kar je pogosto, izgledajo naravnost navzgor in to lahko stori vsak! to zunanja stenska plošča vam prihrani težave pri ročnem rezanju oblik. Prav tako je hitrejši od škarij ali ročnega noža, zato naredite več projektov v krajšem času. Si lahko predstavljate vse te čudovite rokodelske rokodelce v samo enem popoldnevu
Kaj je super na tem stroju in zakaj bo pomagal povečati vašo ustvarjalnost. Ker obstaja toliko različnih matric in materialov, ti CENTURY zunanje stenske plošče lahko naredi neskončne mešanice. Tako lahko mešate in ujemate oblike, barve in teksturo v največji možni meri…. kreativno oblikujte svoje ideje. Nič ne gre po pričakovanjih, ne skrbite zaradi tega. Vedno lahko poskusite začeti znova z novim delom in upate na novo priložnost. Mislim, da je ustvarjanje in ustvarjanje eksperimentiranje in igra
In lahko celo spremljate svoj prvi projekt zunanji opaž pa tudi, če se počutite navdihnjene. Tukaj je seznam, ki vam bo pomagal pri odločitvi, kateri stroji CENTURY ustrezajo vašemu okusu, ko si ogledujete ali kupujete v različnih obrtnih trgovinah. Na ta način lahko posnamete stroj in vidite, kako v resnici deluje. Na voljo so tudi na spletu, iščete jih lahko pred računalniškim zaslonom in izberete med stotinami skupaj z njihovo ceno.
Poleg velikosti obstajajo dejavniki oblike in prenosljivosti ter drugi izmed mnogih. Nekateri od teh CENTURY okrasne zunanje stenske plošče so večji in težji od drugih, zato jih bodo otroci težko prenašali. Nekateri drugi so tako majhni in neopazni, da jih preprosto vzamete s seboj. Izberite stroj, ki ustreza vašim rokodelskim zahtevam in seveda vašemu žepu; da bi ga neverjetno izkoristili
Shandong Century Machinery Co., Ltd. was Die cutting embossing machine in 2008. It's a ISO9001 quality management system that is certified and CE certified business. It is also a high-tech company in the province and one of the nation's specialized "little giant" enterprise. It is a company with a high degree of recognition and repute in the industry. It is home to more than fifty professional scientists and a strong RD and production team. This guarantees quality and performance. The products offered by the company are widely distributed in 29 cities, provinces and autonomous regions in China and exported to over 60 countries including the United Kingdom. The company has a substantial market and customer base. The products of the company are admired by both international and domestic customers.
The company is committed to Die cutting embossing machine outstanding after-sales service. It has a comprehensive system that can provide professional technical assistance, maintenance and customer service and resolve any issues. The company is the only "Flatbed Die-cutting Machine RD Centre" in China recognized by the China Packaging Federation and the "Shandong Flatbed Technology RD Center" awarded by the Shandong Packaging and Printing Association, and has robust RD capabilities. We can offer our clients advanced products and solutions through continuous investment in RD as well as conducting technological innovation and improving the quality of our products.
Die cutting embossing machine flatbed machine for die-cutting can cut corrugated paper as well as cardboard and other materials. It can be utilized for a range of purposes and meet the requirements of various customers. To ensure the accuracy of die cutting, the equipment uses high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology, like high-strength teeth and precise paper gripping mechanism. The die-cutting pressure is uniform, with less plate re-printing as well as being precise and long-lasting. Certain models are capable of reaching a maximum speed of 7,500 sheets per hour. It has high efficiency of operation, and can be combined with pre-press equipment to improve the overall efficiency of production. The latest front-edge paper feeding fully automated, intelligent die cutting machine has achieved intelligent and automated technological advancements in production efficiency, quality of the cardboard and safety which greatly improves the efficiency of production for order changing.
Our products have undergone constant innovation and enhancement. We also have launched a variety of innovative products. For instance, the Die cutting embossing machine utilizes the vector "zero" point motions to feed paper with no friction and no displacement, which solves the problem of scratches on the printed surface. the push left and right gauge of the bridge component meets the requirements of different printing registrations, and assures precise placement of the cardboard. The product line includes 930, 1050, 1150, 1300, 1450, 1620 and 1620. Semi-automatic models are 1050,1080,1450,1650, etc. Fully automated products can be modified to meet the requirements of customers. CENTURY Machinery flatbed die-cutting machines are less expensive than imported models. However its quality and performance also meets the needs of customers, with high-quality performance.