Ročni izsekovalni stroj uporablja veliko ljudi, kot so obrtniki, učitelji celo otroci. To olajša ustvarjanje zabavnih in kul modelov, ki so primerni za vsak projekt! Reže lahko različne materiale, vključno s papirjem in kartonom; vinil; material za likanje (HTV); oprijem za okna; tkanine, klobučevina ali druge obrtne tkanine do debeline 2 mm! Ročna matrica CENTURY Die rezalni stroj vsakič zelo natančno izrežite oblike! Zaradi česar so vaši dizajni res neverjetni. Tukaj izveste vse o ročnih strojih za izsekavanje in o tem, kako vam lahko olajšajo pot ustvarjanja.
Dobra stvar pri ročnem izsekovalniku je, da bo vaš stroj brez napak rezal vsakič, dokler natančno sledite korakom. Osvobojeni boste neenakomernih in neenakomernih rezov, ki bi lahko motili vaš dizajn. Namesto tega bo ta stroj rezal namesto vas! Najboljši del je, da je zelo preprost za uporabo. Otroci se ga lahko celo naučijo uporabljati z malo vaje ali s pomočjo odraslega.
Stroji za izrezovanje so nujno orodje za izdelavo edinstvenih dizajnov, ki jih ni mogoče narediti preprosto s škarjami ali obrtnimi noži. To STOLETJE Avtomatski stroj za izrezovanje vam omogoča ustvarjanje podrobnih oblik, vzorcev in modelov usnja, ki bi bili s tradicionalnimi orodji za rezanje nemogoči ali zamudni. To vam omogoča, da postanete veliko bolj umetniški pri svojih projektih! Poleg tega lahko ustvarite več kopij istega dizajna brez dodatnega dela. Super za izdelavo vabil za zabave ali prazničnih okraskov, darilnih oznak. Z ročnim izsekovalnikom lahko zelo hitro in zanesljivo izdelate neverjetne stvari.
Ste že kdaj kaj odrezali in zafrknili? Ali je bilo neenakomerno ali pa je bilo videti smešno. Ročni izsekovalni stroj vas bo rešil teh nadležnih napak pri ročnem rezanju. To STOLETJE Rabljeni stroj za izsekavanje ne samo, da se vsakič odlično odreže, ampak vam prihrani veliko dodatnega dela. Ni vam več treba celega veka sekljati vsega ročno. Veliko manj naporno je pustiti, da vam stroj pomaga; tam postane zelo priročno.
Kako deluje ročni stroj za izrezovanje? To poteka z rezalno matrico. Ta matrica je kovinska oblika, ki pritisne na material, da izreže vašo obliko, ko pritisnete. Preprosto nastavite material, ki ga želite rezati pod njim, in pritisnete ali zavrtite ročico, da ustvarite obrazce. Matrica je lahko izdelana v kakršni koli obliki in je pogosto vgravirana iz kovine, zaradi česar je zelo robustna. Kar posledično omogoča, da se vedno znova uporablja za toliko različnih vzorcev.
The company is committed to providing top after-sales support. It offers a complete system for providing Manual die cutting machine, maintenance, and customer care and also resolve all issues. The company has a strong RD capacity and is the only Chinese "Flatbed Technology RD Center" recognized by the Shandong Packaging and Printing Association. We can offer our clients the most advanced solutions and products through continuous investment in RD as well as conducting technological innovation, and upgrading product.
Shandong Century Machinery Co., Ltd. was established in 2008. The enterprise is Manual die cutting machine and ISO9001 certified. It is a high-tech local enterprise, as well as an specialized national "little giant" company. It is a company with a lot of recognition and a good reputation within the field. It is home to more than fifty professional scientists and a strong production and RD team. This ensures the quality and performance. The company's products are widely distributed in 29 provinces, cities and autonomous regions of China as well as exported to more than 60 countries, including the United Kingdom. The company has a substantial customer and market base. The products of the company are admired by both domestic and international customers.
We've been constantly improving and innovating our products, and have Manual die cutting machine a number of unique products. The cassette-type feed machine employs, for instance, a the vector "zero point" motion to feed the paper using zero friction, and no displacement. This helps solve scratching issues on the printed surface. The range of products includes 930, 1050, 1150, 1300, 1450, 1620 etc. for semi-automatic products as well as 1050,1080, 1450, 1650, and so on. for fully automatic products and can be adapted to the scale of production and process demands of different clients. CENTURY Machinery flatbed die-cutting machines cost less than imported machines. The quality and performance of the product can satisfy the requirements of customers and is also cost-effective.
CENTURY's flatbed machine for die-cutting can die-cut not only corrugated paper, but also cardboard and other materials. It can be utilized for a range of purposes and meet the needs of many customers. The equipment uses advanced technology and high-quality components like high-strength teeth and precise paper gripping mechanisms that ensure precision of the die-cutting process for paper. Die-cutting pressures are precise and uniform and the result is no need for reprinting plates. Certain models can reach a maximum speed up to 7,500 sheets an hour. They are extremely efficient and can be used alongside pre-press equipment for increased production efficiency. The new Manual die cutting machine fully automated intelligent cutting die is a breakthrough technological breakthrough that has been automated and intelligently improved production efficiency, quality of cardboard and the safety of your.